Cleanses venereal-affected blood, eliminates skin issues from impurities.
Reliable treatment for vataraktha (gout) and highly beneficial in the initial stages of leprosy.
Heals early stages of leprosy and various skin ailments. Eradicates discolorations, patches, and itching.
L - Mitra
Restore liver health, bowel function, and overall well-being. Enhances appetite and thyroid balance.
Effective against skin issues, enhances muscular system, and purifies blood.
Effectively handles prameha, insipidus, spermatorrhea, and regulates urination.
Panchatikthaghruta Guggul
Alleviates numbness in extremities, promotes smooth skin, and addresses pigmentation loss.
Experience Skin Healing and Relief. Ideal for Vatarakta, Leprosy, Numbness, and Pigmentation Issues.
Treats venereal skin diseases & carbuncles, purifies the blood, eliminates mercury-related effects in the body.
Somariji Taila
Highly effective for various skin conditions, including leprosy, elephant skin, and skin discolorations.
Sugandhadi Lehya
Efficient blood purifier, particularly effective against skin conditions linked to venereal poisons.
Suryapaka Kaseesadyaghruta
Heals leprotic ulcers, boils, patches, and watery secretions on hands and other body areas.
Siddhamakaradhwaja Pills
Boosts Memory, Potency, and Overall Vitality. Ideal for Anemia, Heart Health, Lung Strength, and More.
VK4 Diacon
Helps to control excess blood sugar. Enhances memory power. Helps to relieve numbness in feet.
Especially effective against syphilis, blood purification, & skin blemishes from venereal diseases.